Quality Management System Policy

Quality at EKON means satisfying client requirements on each and every mandate, while striving to exceed client expectations. It is the policy of EKON to achieve this through careful management of our work processes, with special attention to value creation throughout the project life-cycle, and with emphasis on safety and the environment.

Our Quality Policy commitment is based on;

  • Complying with the requirements of ISO 9001,
  • Maintaining a management structure to improve our Quality Management and continually improve the effectiveness of this Quality Management System. To enhance customer satisfaction is part of our Quality Management System approach,
  • Establishing responsibilities, targets, monitoring methods and periodically reviewing performance,
  • Conducting suitable measurement, analysis and improvement activities to further improve our quality performance,
  • Ensuring all our core, support and management processes are mapped, quality risks are identified, and controls have been set for all our operations,
  • Focusing on process improvement initiatives,Developing employee skills, increasing their contribution through effective training, and ensuring they become an integral part of our Quality Management System,
  • Ensuring our suppliers, sub-contractors, and supply chain meet our quality requirements,
  • Increasing service and product quality by keeping pace with the latest technological developments,
  • Reporting and investigating all quality related deviations and non-conformances and implementing appropriate preventive and corrective actions.

The policy and principles stated herein are the responsibility of all employees under the leadership of senior management. Copies of this policy are to be displayed at all EKON locations, communicated to every employee and available to all other interested parties.

The EKON Quality Management System will be audited, reviewed and annually revised, taking into consideration changes in legislation and/ or company requirements.

Policy changes are approved by the EKON General Manager and announced by the EKON Quality Management Representative.

General Manager